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Seed Starting Dates

Embrace the promise of fresh beginnings by planting seeds

As the new year unfolds, avid gardeners eagerly embrace the promise of fresh beginnings by planting seeds. The process of sowing seeds at the start of the year symbolizes hope and growth, as tiny embryos hold the potential to transform into vibrant, flourishing plants.

Growing your own food holds profound importance for personal well-being and environmental sustainability. Cultivating your produce allows you to take control of what goes into your meals, promoting a healthier, pesticide-free lifestyle. Additionally, it fosters a deeper connection to the earth, imparting a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency.

Here are a couple of easy handouts to follow re: frost dates and seed starting dates for the Hartford area.

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Seed Starting 101

SEED STARTING Starting seeds indoors is a rewarding way to get a jump on the growing season, especially in Connecticut’s climate, which predominantly falls within

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